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Make the switch to Solar Energy with us.

  • A leading installer of solar panels with storage
  • Drastically reduce your electricity bills
  • High-capacity batteries, store your energy for when you need it
  • Auto switch to mains when batteries low
  • FREE no obligation quotes for solar panel installations
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Quality Solar Panel PV Systems Fully Installed

Residential solar panels have numerous benefits, making them a popular choice for homeowners looking to reduce their carbon footprint and save money on energy costs. One of the main benefits is their ability to produce clean, renewable energy from the sun, which significantly reduces reliance on fossil fuels. We can install performance solar panel arrays to almost any home or property. This not only helps to combat climate change but also reduces air pollution, which can have numerous health benefits.

Additionally, solar panels require minimal maintenance and have a long lifespan, which means that homeowners can enjoy the benefits of renewable energy for many years. Finally, solar panels can also increase the value of a home, making them a smart investment for homeowners looking to increase their property's resale value. Call now for a hassle free quote 0800 774 7102.

We install soalr panels which save energy on your energy bills
Produce Green energy
Solar electricity is a renewable, green energy source which doesn’t release any harmful carbons into the atmosphere.
Our solar solutions lower your energy bills.
Lower Energy Bills
The energy price cap has been increased which has had an impact on energy bills. Our solar installations reduce these bills as you are using your own energy.
inimal solar panel maintenance with lifetime warranty
Minimal Maintenance
Our solar PV systems often have lifetime warranties and require little or no maintenance whatsoever so your solar panel installation will give you years of trouble-free service.
we offer FREE solar panel site surveys
Free Site Survey
We offer free in principle quotations over the phone and can visit your property to finalise any price given and discuss any other requirements.
We plant 100 tree saplings for every solar panel installation we install

We Plant 100 Tree Saplings For Every Solar Panel Installation We Install
As concerns over climate change continue to mount, the importance of renewable energy sources such as solar power has become increasingly apparent. However, while solar energy offers numerous benefits in terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, it is not without its own environmental impact.

This is why Future Energy Solutions have begun to take steps to mitigate our environmental footprint by planting 100 trees for every installation. Read more to explore the benefits of this approach and how it can contribute to a more sustainable future for us all.

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The Benefits of Solar

1 Produce Energy Solar energy is a renewable energy source, and doesn't release andy harmful carbon dioxide of other pollutants lightening your carbion footprint. 2 Store Energy Adding a battery storage option to your solar array allows you to use the energy you generate when you really need it especially whent he sun goes down. 3 Use Energy You can use your energy whenever you need it.
Save on your energy bills with a solar power PV system. Receive Your Quote
solar savings energy bills

Solar Savings
The savings you can achieve by installing a residential solar panel system depends on a variety of factors, such as your location, the size of your solar system, your energy consumption and the cost of electricity in your area.

If you live in a location with plenty of sunlight and high electricity rates, installing a solar panel system can result in significant savings on your monthly utility bills. Solar panels generate electricity from the sun, which can be used to power your home's appliances and electronic devices, reducing your reliance on the grid.

Also, many areas offer incentives and tax credits for homeowners who install solar panels, which can help offset the initial cost of the system. Some utility companies also offer net metering programs, which allow homeowners to sell excess electricity generated by their solar panels back to the grid, further increasing the potential for savings. Call today!

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solar panel system offer by Future Energy Solutions

Helping the environment has many benefits including free electricity and a reduced carbon footprint, call us today and we can install a high performance solar system.

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Did you know?

Solar panels have become a popular alternative energy source, with many property owners looking to install them on their homes. If you're considering solar panels there are several things to consider.

Solar panels are a clean and renewable source of energy that can help reduce your carbon footprint and lower your energy bills. They work by converting sunlight into electricity using photovoltaic cells. These cells are made of silicon, which is a semiconductor that absorbs photons and releases electrons, creating an electric current. This current is then sent to an inverter, which converts it into usable electricity for your home.

When it comes to installation, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, We'll choose the right location for your solar panels. A spot that receives direct sunlight for most of the day. If your roof isn't ideal, you can also install solar panels on the ground or on a nearby structure, like a garage or shed.

Another important factor to consider is the size of your solar panel system. The size will depend on how much electricity you need to generate and how much space you have available. We can help you determine the best size for your needs. Call today!

Receive Your Quote

Please fill in the form below for a free, no obligation visit. Our team of friendly solar experts will call you back.

Get in touch

Future Energy Solutions Inc Ltd
61 Bridge Street,

t: 0800 774 7102
e: info@futureenergysolutions.co.uk

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Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 9:00am - 5:30pm
Sat: 10:00am - 2:00pm
Sun: Closed

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